Support the South of Scotland
Golden Eagle Project
Help us create a future for the Golden Eagle in the south of Scotland


The Project Team manage the day to day operations of the South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project. If you'd like to get in touch with any member of the team, please drop us a message on the contact page.

Dr Cat Barlow, Project Manager
Cat takes the lead on the management of the Project including developing and maintaining key relationships, managing project budget and funding agreements, overseeing work programmes and activities of project staff. She has a degree in Biological Sciences and a PhD in Recreation Ecology specialising in management of recreational activities in the countryside and the stakeholders / conflicts that arise from them.
Cat has eighteen years’ of experience working and volunteering in the field of conservation ecology including on the ground-breaking Osprey Translocation Project at Rutland Water in England. For the last eight years she has specialised in Raptors and the stakeholder and community issues involved in the controversial topic of Red Grouse moors and Hen Harriers at Langholm, most recently managing the award winning 'Making the Most of Moorlands Project' which worked alongside the Langholm Moor Demonstration Project.
While at Langholm Cat also monitored raptor populations including hen harrier, merlin, barn and short eared owls and has been a member of the Dumfries & Galloway Raptor Study Group for the last 5 years.
John Wright, Eagle Officer
Responsible for the day to day care and monitoring of the eagles both in the aviaries and after release, John's role as Eagle Officer will also play an important part in building and developing relationships with raptor workers and landowners.
With a wealth of raptor experience, John is the team member who will work most closely with the Eagles. From collection to release, John will ensure the highest standard of care is delivered and post-release he will continue to monitor the birds closely as they explore their new home, ensuring that they have enough food available to them as they do so.
John worked most recently as Field Officer for the Rutland Osprey Project where he monitored the breeding population of Ospreys for 16 years. During Osprey translocations was responsible for the birds during their time in the aviaries and monitoring them on release.
His exceptional identification skills have made him a valuable member of many projects from monitoring migrating raptors from the Straits of Gibraltar to Batumi, West Georgia (where over 1 million raptors are counted and identified each Autumn) to advising the British Birds Rare Bird Panel on challenging identifications.
In the UK John has worked with many bird of prey species but has a special interest in Eagles.

Bryan Burrows, Stakeholder Engagement Officer
Bryan’s role aims to develop good relationships between different stakeholders across The South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project with a particular focus on relationships between landowners, gamekeepers and farmers to inform, reassure and advise on how best to accommodate Golden Eagles on their land.
Bryan has worked as a gamekeeper across the UK for over 50 years, amassing a wealth of knowledge and experience. He only recently retired from the role on Kintyre where he spent 7 years working with Scottish power to promote the conservation of Golden Eagles, successfully boosting the breeding population. Prior to his work on Kintyre, Bryan was Head Keeper for the Gunnerside Estate in North Yorkshire for 20 years.
Rick Taylor, Community Outreach Officer
Rick will be working with Philip to deliver a wide range of activities, events and presentations to ensure that communities across the South of Scotland are kept informed and engaged with the Eagles and the project. Rick is your primary contact for the Scottish Borders and is looking forward to working with schools, communities and visitors across the region whether it be on the Hill, at the Village Hall or in the classroom.
Prior to securing a post with the Eagle Project, Rick worked with Cat on the Making the Most of Moorlands Project which aimed to re-engage local people with the uplands of the Langholm/Newcastleton Hills. In this role he also helped to monitor the local Hen Harrier, Merlin and Barn Owl population as well as other raptors in the area. Previously he has worked as an outdoor leader and environmental education teacher in a Northumbrian School, whilst volunteering for various wildlife organisations including the NWT Osprey-Watch at Kielder and training as a BTO Ringer.
Rick also spends as much time as possible on the North coast of Sutherland where he assists in the monitoring of Golden Eagles and Merlin, a role he has enjoyed for the last 10 years.

Philip Munro, Community Outreach Officer
Philip will be raising awareness about the South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project through a variety of educational and community events and activities. Our primary contact for the Dumfries & Galloway region, Philip will be working with Rick to set up our Eagle Schools programme and volunteer roles as well as getting out and about delivering talks to various interest groups and communities.
Previously, Philip worked as the Estate Ranger on Sir Walter Scott’s Abbotsford Estate. It was here he gained experience managing a diverse range of habitats as well as leading on outdoor educational initiatives and community engagement. Prior to joining up with the South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project, Philip worked for the Woodland Trust in the South East of England, supporting operations across 800 hectares of woodland.
Sheila Adams, Finance and Office Manager (Southern Uplands Partnership)
Sheila worked in local government for 10 years before working with a local environmental charity for 17 years. She has been with the Southern Uplands Partnership since 2012 and has a wealth of experience in financial management, as well as HR, administration and office management. Sheila is responsible for the administration of the South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project finances – processing invoices, monitoring cashflow and budgets and preparing grant claims.