Support the South of Scotland
Golden Eagle Project
Help us create a future for the Golden Eagle in the south of Scotland

Latest News
Apologies for the digital silence, it has been an extremely busy month of school visits, talks, walks and meetings.
First things first, all three eagles are doing well and have begun making short journeys across the Moffat Hills area and beyond. At first these were return journeys but both Edward (C09) and Emily (121) seem to have got a taste for exploration and have stayed away from the release area. Undoubtedly, they have identified food sources in their chosen destinations. This is great news, the birds are honing their instincts and building in confidence. New photos and videos to follow soon.

Our Eagle Schools programme is now well underway at several schools in the Borders and Dumfries & Galloway. Yarrow and Kirkhope Primaries, who were our first Eagle Schools, are now approaching the end of the project having covered everything from identification and diet to conservation and challenges. The best session so far has to be building our very own eyries!
Moffat Primary are now half way through and have recently undertaken a poster campaign to promote the project in their local area. Look out for their posters in Moffat town centre.
Other recent highlights include a day out with Carlisle U3A who took in a guided talk, walk & watch at Grey Mare’s Tail, a walk along the salmon leap at Philiphaugh (including a pitstop at the Waterwheel café) and finally a fantastic view of the peregrines at Old Parish and St. Pauls Church in Galashiels.
For myself and Rick, one of the best things about our jobs is getting out to meet other people working in conservation across the South of Scotland. A recent meeting with Karen, Property Manager at Glenlude for the John Muir Trust, threw up lots of exciting opportunities for collaboration. We hope to update you on these soon.