Support the South of Scotland
Golden Eagle Project
Help us create a future for the Golden Eagle in the south of Scotland

MOFFAT 2021 - More tickets available today!
Get your tickets for events taking place during the Moffat 2021 Eagle Festival - don't miss out on the fun for all of the family!!!! Get your tickets NOW!!!!
A Welcome from the South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project
Moffat Town Hall - 19.9.2021 - 6pm
Hear from the Project team as they update on the 2021 translocation season and introduce you to the project, the Eagles and Scotland's First Eagle Town.
The Annandale Arms Hotel - 20.9.2021 & 22.9.2021 - 10.30am to 1pm
Think you've seen an Eagle but convinced yourself it was a Buzzard?
Don't know your hawks from your harriers?
Join Rick Taylor for a beginner level crash course on bird of prey identification.

Join the Borders Forest Trust for a tour of the Devil's Beef Tub
22.9.2021 - 10am
Explore the wilder corners of the Moffat Hills with a guide from Borders Forest Trust and learn about the restoration of the Southern Uplands and the history of the landscape while keeping an eye on the sky for one of the recently released young golden eagles!
Join the Borders Forest Trust for a tour of Carrifran Wildwood
24.9.2021 - 10.30am
Explore the wilder corners of the Moffat Hills with a guide from Borders Forest Trust and learn about the restoration of the Southern Uplands and the history of the landscape while keeping an eye on the sky for one of the recently released young golden eagles!

Join Ian K Brown for one of his legendary Ukulele Workshops!!
26.9.2021 - 2 x 1hr sessions - 11am / 1pm
This workshop is suitable for total beginners, for ages 8 – 80+ years (under 12's must be accompanied by an adult).
If you have your own ukulele, please bring it along, but we will also have plenty of ukuleles for people to borrow!
There are also 20 additional tickets available for the talks and film screening on Monday 20th September at the Old Well Theatre