

2 May 2020

South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project on Facebook


by Rick T.

2 May 2020

Good News! You can now follow the South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project on Facebook!

Find us at:

The role of the Facebook page will primarily be to direct folk to this Blog with the hope of allowing us to engage with more of you lovely people during Lockdown.

However, it does have some exciting possibilities such as Live broadcasts which we are exploring in the event that the current restrictions are in place for longer than anticipated.

Eagle Update: All is well in the world of Beaky, Emily, Edward and Skan. Nothing significant to report other than they are all doing well and enjoying wandering widely across the Southern Uplands. Watch a short clip from the archives of Edward (C09) and Beaky (C11) in the Summer of 2018 below. The film shows a lovely example of the beginnings of the Golden Eagles amazing head plumage. Enjoy!
