Golden Eagle

Follow the progress of the South Scotland Golden Eagles

Page 28 of Rick T’s Latest Posts

Showing 136-140 of 144 items

Project Update 19.11.2018


by Rick T.

19 November 2018


First and foremost, I’m happy to report that all three Eagles are still doing extremely well! Two of the youngsters moved away from the release site almost seven weeks ago and are now sustaining themselves in their new locations!


Eagle Update 21.09.2018


by Rick T.

21 September 2018

All three young Eagles are all still doing really well and have been developing their flight skills by chasing the local Ravens and Buzzards. The birds are still remaining around the release area which is quite usual for Eagles of this age and are all still feeding well. For a recent video visit the Home Page.


Project Update 21.09.2018


by Rick T.

21 September 2018

Join us and the Live Borders Team at St Ronan's Wells Visitor Centre next Sunday for an afternoon of Eagle themed activities and a visit from Kashia, a falconry Golden Eagle.


Latest News


by Rick T.

14 September 2018

It's been a busy few weeks at the Project! I've been up North working with Primary Schools in Sutherland and twinning them with schools in the South. Philip's been delivering the first round of Eagle School sessions. We all had a lovely day at Yarrow & Ettrick Show and I had a great afternoon over at Glenlude at the John Muir site on Thursday with the lovely Karen Purvis and her wonderful volunteers. It's busy but it's all good stuff!


Eagle Update


by Rick T.

5 September 2018

Edward, Emily and Beaky are all doing well and utilising the food provision sites. Beaky and Edward seem to have found each other again and have been together for the last week or so (see bottom picture). In the top picture, Emily is 'mantling' over her food, a behaviour common to raptors in which they 'shield' their prey with their wings. The photo also nicely shows the amount of white present on a young eagles tail feathers.

